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Transportation Services

OneEighty and ANAZAO Transportation Services

Service available to NEW and EXISTING Clients of OneEighty and ANAZAO

  • Clients are picked up from their home and brought to OneEighty or ANAZAO offices for appointments. Once the appointment has ended, clients will be transported back home.
  • There is no cost associated with this service, but clients must have scheduled an appointment with OneEighty or ANAZAO to access the service.

Program is offered Monday-Friday from 8:00am- 3:30pm.   

Transportation Guidelines:

  1. Adults 18 years and older are eligible for transportation.
  2. We do provide transportation to children 8 to 17 years of age, who no longer need to be secured in a car seat, if they are accompanied by a parent or guardian.     
  3. Must be a resident of Wayne or Holmes Counties.
  4. Appointments will need to be made at least 48 hours in advance.
  5. Clients will not be allowed to bring visitors with them for appointments, unless indicated as necessary by provider.

* This program is grant funded through the Mental Health Recovery Board of Wayne and Holmes Counties. 


Administrative Team

Bobbi Douglas, MSSA

OneEighty Executive Director

Tammy Hart

Human Resources and Operations Director

Trish Staiger, M.Ed., NCC

Quality Improvement Director

Molly Roth

Human Resources Coordinator

Ashleigh Cole

Human Resources Coordinator

Brian Holmes

Van Driver

Darcie Sutton, CDCA

Intake Data Specialist

Liz Casey

Client Account Manager

Teresa Flory

Intake Specialist

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