Posts by OneEighty
Life Comes Full Circle: My Story of Addiction Recovery
The road from addiction to Community Coalition Manager wasn’t straight and narrow. In fact, the story told by Nonya Wenger mirrors that of many individuals who have veered off the path of healthy living. “I lived in a family engaged in substance abuse and I started using drugs and alcohol with them from a young…
Read MorePartial Hospitalization Program: An Addiction Treatment Option to Meet Your Needs
When you hear the term Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP), your first thought might be that the program takes place in a hospital. And in some cases, this is true. But at OneEighty, PHP is a program offered in their continuum of care that delivers a high level of treatment but allows the client to return…
Read MoreEverything You Need to Know About Residential Treatment
OneEighty provides a full continuum of care, which means we’re with you all throughout your journey to recovery. A big step of that journey is our residential rehabilitation program, which we offer for those with substance use disorder to help them change direction. We have two residential treatment facilities: Pathway for men, a Victorian house…
Read MoreFinding the Right Therapist and the Right Mental Health and Addiction Treatment
When it comes to finding treatment for mental health or addiction issues, there is no such thing as “one size fits all.” That is why collectively, the staff at OneEighty is certified in a broad spectrum of addiction and mental health counseling treatment options. Jane, (not her real name), was 28 years old when she…
Read MoreNavigating an Epidemic Within a Pandemic
Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is a disease that affects a person’s brain and behavior and leads to an inability to control the use of a legal or illegal substance. According to SAMHSA, in the fourth quarter of 2020, among people aged 12 or older who drank alcohol in the past year, 15.4% (or 25.9 million…
Read MoreOpenly Discussing Mental Health Awareness
“Today we sisters experienced a tragedy. We lost our beautiful mother to the disease of mental illness,” tweeted Ashley Judd on twitter following the untimely passing of her mother Naomi Judd. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 21% of US adults (roughly 1 in 5) will meet the criteria for a diagnosable mental…
Read MoreBuilding a Network of Support: How Intensive Outpatient Addiction Treatment Can Help
Intensive Outpatient Programming, or IOP, is one level of OneEighty’s continuum of care which can often fall between residential treatment and outpatient counseling. OneEighty offers two intensive outpatient addiction treatment programs: CHOICES, designed to treat individuals struggling with chemical dependency in an outpatient setting; and CADET, a similar substance-use treatment program offered to inmates at…
Read MoreSexual Assault Awareness Month
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), aimed at raising community awareness about sexual violence prevention, public education about how to support survivors, and sharing available resources. Statistically Speaking In the United States, an individual is sexually assaulted every 68 seconds. 1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men in the United States has…
Read MoreWomen’s History Month
“And when you get to where you’re going, turn around and help her, too. For there was a time, not long ago, when she was you.” While it wasn’t until 1995 that our nation decided to formally recognize the enormous contributions women have made to our history, culture, and society, it was 1977 when a…
Read MoreResidential Treatment: A Full Continuum of Care
Residential treatment for substance use disorder is an important step in a person’s journey to recovery. OneEighty has two residential treatment facilities: Pathway for men, a Victorian house which was renovated in 2008, and the Women’s Residential Treatment Center (WRTC) which was built in 2019. “We want people to be healthy and have a life,”…
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