The Reality of Homelessness in the Winter

Freezing winter weather is already uncomfortable when you have a place to live — but what’s it like for the homeless? Individuals who can’t find shelter face very real threats during the winter months that may even threaten their lives.
Homeless individuals already face a myriad of challenges keeping them from finding permanent housing, such as substance abuse problems or the need for mental health services. These same struggles also prevent many homeless individuals from finding a job, and all too often, they remain unaware of the resources that are available to help address their needs.
When temperatures dip below freezing, staying out on the streets becomes dangerous. Without adequate shelter, homeless individuals are more likely to get sick or even freeze to death. An inability to access transportation can keep them from getting to a shelter where they can stay the night.
While the average passer-by may feel uncomfortable approaching a homeless individual on the street, you can still take action to help. In Ohio, residents are strongly urged to call the police or 211 (United Way) to report when a homeless individual appears to need help. At OneEighty, we also offer housing services in an effort to help our homeless population get out of their current situation.
OneEighty Resources
For those encountering a substance use crisis, please call OneEighty’s Substance Use Crisis hotline, available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, at 330-466-0678. For other resources, click the links below: